Rescue Writing

Talk for Thought

Talking propels reading and writing development.

“It is through talk that children learn to follow and tell stories, understand logical sequences, recognize causes, anticipate consequences, explore options and consider motives… It is through talk that our children learn that their observations, hunches, and insights are interesting and worth developing. It is through talk that our children learn about empathy, generosity, forgiveness –about walking a mile in another person’s moccasins. Talking matters…” This comes from Lucy Calkin’s book Raising Lifelong Learners.

Some of the best ways to build talking rituals are during family gatherings such as mealtimes, car rides, walks and specific outings with the purpose of talking. Talking is nourishment children need and it is recommended they be included in conversations between adults. Being included in these conversations will raise questions from children and they will learn from it.  By consistently talking with children we educate them by demonstrating responses to life.


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