Rescue Writing

For Teachers and Parents

How Storytelling Changes Lives

Stories Change Lives. It’s That Simple. Everyone Has A Story, And Everyone Wants To Be Heard.

In every culture, the stories passed from generation to generation define families and communities. When a child learns at an early age the power they hold within them to share part of themselves with others, they become stronger, more confident, human beings. Rescue Writing provides the tools for everyone to write a well-composed story to be published in a classroom book. The accomplishment of becoming an author – however simple it seems – has a permanent positive impact on the child’s life. Through its innovative approach Rescue Writing complements and meets the requirements for Common Core Standards throughout the United States. This story creating process teaches analysis of a topic the child loves, their pet or favorite animal, and tools to create a descriptive narrative in an organized and clear style. Furthermore, the reading of classmates’ stories enhances comprehension and listening skills while building empathy and compassion for others.

All children have a story, and all children can learn to tell their story – and that of a favorite pet or animal. By inviting the child to “think like their pet” it distances them from the fear of “talking about themselves” and develops a new skill – to be empathetic and put themselves in someone else’s shoes. Clearly, more empathy is needed in this world, and Rescue Writing develops this as well as writing and comprehension skills.

Teaching Tools

Learning Videos
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Landscape Sample Templates
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Square Sample Templates
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